The spurt of cases involving violence/molestation against women, particularly of the sexual sort in our country, has finally given us a place in the world podium. The "Most Unsafe Country For Women". Now, this surely calls for three cheers for the seemingly incapable Indian Male who suddenly finds himself at the forefront of everybody's attention. I had always nurtured the opinion that "Man is inherently Evil" but it is quite discomforting for me see him going head over heels to prove it. Now do not be tempted to think that here also we are doing a copy paste job with no creativity in the scene. In fact the Indian male has demonstrated that he can be as cruel as the Nithari killers to as adventurous as the three boys who molested a girl inside a car on a long driving spree. The Nithari killers would easily put Dracula to shame and in fact we can soon have our own desi version.
Whats most discomforting, however, to the common man is, not the act but the sham around giving justice to the victim. Now at the ebb that we are in, in terms of justice deliverance by the legal fraternity, I was tempted to look at the animal world for possible answers which our medical fraternity could use to do some gene manipulation to bring about some favorable behavior
1>Fixed Heat Period: Men are known as dogs across culture. And Indian males I believe have taken the adage too seriously. On a second thought however, if a fixed heat period, like summer for our canine brothers, can be brought over to mankind, it would be a kind act for the fairer sex. Though this could also mean mayhem during those period but at least the unwilling ladies, having known the time, can take adequate precautions like staying back home with a long leave.
2>Male Killing after Mating: The Black Widow Spider occasionally kills and eats the male after mating. Though this might sound like reverse Nithari, it would at least ensure that only the bravest genes are passed through Darwin's principle of natural selection. The pigeon heated would do good staying indoors. Not sure if death at all can be a deterrent to those psychopaths.
3>Males Becoming Pregnant: In the sea-world, sea horses have set an example by being a species in which the males become pregnant. Now this can be debatable by people who would say that this can be again misused by the very same sex we are trying to protect. However, with the psychological difference in the make up of both male and females in human, the gains will be more with the males becoming controlled and responsible transmitter of their genes.
All these might be read in a lighter mode. but the issue is not. We do need some radical solution to stop this over exhibition of misplaced male libido.
hey u did a great job!! indian educated males need to read this kind of blogs so that thes frustrated "MAlES" doesn't come down to such kind of act.
ReplyDeletei liked ur recommendations.. homosexuality has been legalized in india so these people can check the 3rd recommendation for sure!! this will help them a lot and also the indian scientist to spent some more lacks and crores of rupees to vain.
one more thing is that if a jungle has Black Widow Spider it sure to kill more and more of its females same is the case in humane the law should be strong against then...but it seems very insane to me!!!
I read a book and also saw the movie the "TWILIGHT" the so called Dracula or vampire has also changed and are into the act of LOVE
the plot summery is :
Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy Bella's attention.
When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella upon his return; their newfound relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Seemingly defying the laws of physics, Edward saves her life when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his bare hands.
Bella becomes hellbent on figuring out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
Their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a phone call from James, who claims he is holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her, but Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues Bella and destroys James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom from her system before it can spread and transform her into a vampire, and she is then sent to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses.
Its the time start loving Frustrated males don't be a Dracula !!!
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ReplyDeleteAppreciate the comparisons that you have brought in with the animal world. It calls for a lot of knowledge in that area, to bring about such a comparison.
ReplyDeleteAs a man I also feel a little bad when I read this. Are all males of the same type...are all these inherent in all the males...so that given an opportunity, we also will do the same? Hope it is not so