Tuesday, May 20, 2014
What Mr. Modi Did and Others Should
Sunday, May 26, 2013
R.I.P - Real Leaders
Last weeks' news article on ULFA chairman having got converted to Islam caught my attention. The fact that he was using the alias of Kamruj Zaman Khan is an old piece of information; the first name most probably hinting at that mid-summer nights dream of having an independent 'Raj' in 'Kam'rup. A dream which will most likely remain one, in spite of what his new found bosses would like him to believe. And almost everybody knew that he is using that name to hide in Bangladesh, after Bhutan stopped giving them safe refuge. However, what did come as a shock was the fact he had actually acquired it by converting along with his whole family. So, the person who has been brainwashing the local populace about the Indian tyranny; imagined or factual has got brainwashed himself. And to what great effect!! He is now seen espousing the causes of the Bangladeshi illegal immigrants; the same set of people he vowed to deport. I have always held a dim view of all these militant leaders and organizations primarily because, as a person interested in history, I have read and have repeatedly realized that many such uprisings which pretended to be saviors of the masses only ended up torturing the same set of people. Hitler, Lenin, Gaddaffi and the likes exploited the hard situations their countries were in at that point of time and promised the populace to get them their rights, dignity and comfort they all deserved. We all know what havoc they brought in after they came to power. Hitler is not a topic you can discuss openly in Germany now. People either loathe him or talk about him in hushed tones. Lenin and his policies killed equal number of people if not more. Gaddafi might not have bettered the kill count but when he was chased by the militia on the roads of Libya, we can imagine the hatred people started having for this great leader. And yet, I believe that these leaders at least had convictions. That they turned megalomaniac is a different psychological issue. They continued to espouse some ideals, however flawed they were. Our current leaders, democratically elected or self appointed like Mr. Zaman, have no ideals or commitments. When Maharana Pratap lost the war in Haldighati, he could not take back Chittaur. Disheartened, Maharana Pratap made his descendants vow that they would not sleep on beds, nor live in palaces, nor eat off metal utensils, until Chittorgarh had been regained.In fact, right into the 20th century the maharanas of Mewar continued to place a leaf platter under their regular utensils and a reed mat under their beds in symbolic continuance of this vow. This is commitment. Commitment to one's ideal, to ones dream, to ones duties. The so called leaders, we have today are only weak kneed men or men of straw whom even a puff of wind can take apart like a puff of dandelions. The only interest they know is self interest and the only -ism they follow is 'maximize your capital-ism'. Recently, in a book stall, I saw Lachit appear in a Amar Chitra Katha comic and somehow I felt it was an apt situation. Our real leaders are now in comic strips whereas what we have now are just comic characters.
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Case for Biti
Friday, July 3, 2009
Race Race Go Away
The title might remind you of the nursery rhyme we all sang leisurely long ago....
"Rain rain go away, come again another day".But this time you would rather wish this four letter word goes away forever.
With the growing racial attacks on Indians, racism has suddenly got its undue share of media space...again. The last time it was in limelight, it was for the infamous Shilpa Shetty and Jade Goody spat. Someway or the other the subject neither fades nor fails to catch our attention. And every time its brought up, it always show Indians at the receiving end.
And this is exactly what makes it popular, for viewer consumption back home.
For some reason, may be because of our colonial background, the common but misplaced notion about racism is that, its only against the blacks or browns by the whites. Having said this, I would like to add that the first racist theories to be published and pursued as science (called Eugenics) was done in a country we all look up as a guardian of democratic and human rights, the United States. In fact it was from here that Hitler took the cue for his own racist theories.
But, that's what history says. And this is where I would like to differ.
In fact race theories and strategies were first devised in
In fact racism seems to be so ingrained in our minds that we see some inconspicuous displays of it, too. The darker of our brothers looking for the fairest of the brides is of the same mindset . In fact in communities where sacrifices are common, the machete always fall on the black animal. The white is spared, as its thought to represent peace and purity. The black in contrast is supposed to be the epitome of all evil. The same idea has also made inroads into colloquial dialects. In Bengali, the dark complexion is known as 'Moila' which means dirty. There may be countless other examples which will point towards the same prejudice.
All these just re-emphasize that live in a highly racist society practicing it in a number of overt as well as inconspicuous ways. It just needs to be seen how long mankind takes to realize the foolishness of these conflicts. With more and more interactions between different communities, it is desirable that they realize the commonalities and understand the futility of these parochial and archaic mindsets.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Leashing the Indian Male

The spurt of cases involving violence/molestation against women, particularly of the sexual sort in our country, has finally given us a place in the world podium. The "Most Unsafe Country For Women". Now, this surely calls for three cheers for the seemingly incapable Indian Male who suddenly finds himself at the forefront of everybody's attention. I had always nurtured the opinion that "Man is inherently Evil" but it is quite discomforting for me see him going head over heels to prove it. Now do not be tempted to think that here also we are doing a copy paste job with no creativity in the scene. In fact the Indian male has demonstrated that he can be as cruel as the Nithari killers to as adventurous as the three boys who molested a girl inside a car on a long driving spree. The Nithari killers would easily put Dracula to shame and in fact we can soon have our own desi version.
Whats most discomforting, however, to the common man is, not the act but the sham around giving justice to the victim. Now at the ebb that we are in, in terms of justice deliverance by the legal fraternity, I was tempted to look at the animal world for possible answers which our medical fraternity could use to do some gene manipulation to bring about some favorable behavior
1>Fixed Heat Period: Men are known as dogs across culture. And Indian males I believe have taken the adage too seriously. On a second thought however, if a fixed heat period, like summer for our canine brothers, can be brought over to mankind, it would be a kind act for the fairer sex. Though this could also mean mayhem during those period but at least the unwilling ladies, having known the time, can take adequate precautions like staying back home with a long leave.
2>Male Killing after Mating: The Black Widow Spider occasionally kills and eats the male after mating. Though this might sound like reverse Nithari, it would at least ensure that only the bravest genes are passed through Darwin's principle of natural selection. The pigeon heated would do good staying indoors. Not sure if death at all can be a deterrent to those psychopaths.
3>Males Becoming Pregnant: In the sea-world, sea horses have set an example by being a species in which the males become pregnant. Now this can be debatable by people who would say that this can be again misused by the very same sex we are trying to protect. However, with the psychological difference in the make up of both male and females in human, the gains will be more with the males becoming controlled and responsible transmitter of their genes.
All these might be read in a lighter mode. but the issue is not. We do need some radical solution to stop this over exhibition of misplaced male libido.
Enjoying the Rains
The paper boats races with friends in the hilly streams…the football games in the school playground with ankle deep water…cycling in water filled puddles and fields….catching fishes/tadpoles in the dirtiest of drains….. to the late night tip..tap..tip.. rhythms which were no less pleasing than sweet lullabies. My father used to somehow find some time to give me a cycle ride, with me at the front, cycling at the above ankle water. What was more pleasing than the all above was, being inside a warm cozy quilt on a rainy night with the raindrops nosily dancing on the tin roof...The sound is near music to my ears.
Sadly, none of these are possible to be experienced in the concrete jungles where we stay to make a living. Life has taken a back seat now. But still I can figure out activities, which we can do during the rains….this time
1>Long Drives: Though I have driven during rains and I enjoy it a lot, I have never tried long drives during monsoon. I wish I do get a chance to do that sometime.
2>Sipping Tea in Balcony: This is something which I have done on almost all rainy days when I need not be in the prison called office. Looking at the rains splash on the ground..over grass….is a very pleasant experience.
3>Walking: Cleanliness freaks should stay out of it. So should people allergic to mudJ. Others can take a walk and get wet…..This is best done on Fridays…..so that you don’t have office at the back of your mind and you still have 2 days to recover from a fever/cold which cannot be ruled out
4>Sleeping…:Of course this is the most nice thing to do when its raining and you have the luxury of staying indoors. After a sumptuous hot spicy meal, this is next to nothing.
So, its up to you…whether you want a dull monsoon….or a thrilling one….take your pick…also pick one/all from my prescribed activities